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Guild Raffel

Non Guild related announcements such as game events, news, or related information.

Moderators: Wolf Commander, Officer

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Susie Highlander
Posts: 65
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:23 am

Guild Raffel

Post by Susie Highlander »

It is that time again where I make things and raffle them off if you like what you get please feel free to order something from me I do have prices on things.

For this raffle this is what I made plus will be a surprise door prize that is not in the pictures posted it will be my top of the line stuff and there is 2 of them.

Post to me in game your name and say RAFFLE and mail it to me and your name will be entered.

Only if your name is picked will I need your mailing address so you get your raffle prize to your door do not give your mailing address now only if your name is picked.
Raff3.jpg (63.04 KiB) Viewed 112951 times
Raff.jpg (41.96 KiB) Viewed 112951 times
Pendents.jpg (19.03 KiB) Viewed 112951 times
#1Craft.jpg (22.95 KiB) Viewed 112951 times
#2Ring.jpg (51.56 KiB) Viewed 112951 times
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Susie Highlander
Posts: 65
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:23 am

Re: Guild Raffel

Post by Susie Highlander »


Ren - Red and gold painted pendent

Netrol - Star burst pendent

Layla - Purple Galaxy pendent

Doc - Purple Dragon eye

Tar - Black and gold pendent and hand made silver ring size 10 both with the same cracked marble.

Keegan - Gold bracelet

Bac - Silver bracelet

DOOR PRIZES not showen in the pictures

Ren - Ajustable ring and pendent match set black and silver

Doc - Ajustable ring and pendent match set Green
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